Exhibition Opening "Gaslight - SCHOTT writes cultural history"
Tuesday, March 3rd at 5 pm, SCHOTT Villa (Otto-Schott-Straße 13, Jena)
Tuesday, March 3rd at 5 pm, SCHOTT Villa (Otto-Schott-Straße 13, Jena)
The Jenoptik President & CEO will once again represent the technology platform for the European photonics sector for the next two years.The Jenoptik…
Physikerinnen hoch im Kurs
Wilfried Röpke, Geschäftsführer von JenaWirtschaft, im Interview mit dem Prediger-Lichtjournal
(Dwarf) Planet Pluto Discovered with Blink Comparator from ZEISS
How the Tautenburg Telescope captures Light from Alien Worlds
Fluorescence microscopes offer detailed insights in the fields of biology and medicine
Sprechtag für Unternehmen am 16. Februar
21 Jenaer Aussteller auf weltweit größter Optik- und Photonik-Messe dabei
Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry explore global cycles of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen - the four elements which…